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Interested taking advantage of our services? Enrollment is free & easy. Start the easy enrollment process today.
Complete the form below to instantly enroll with On Site Medical. Upon completion of this form, your injury reporting hotline will be live and you will be able to call and schedule services as needed! An On Site Medical representative will contact you to confirm your enrollment and train you and your team on how to report injuries and schedule services. Additionally, our representative will provide you with reporting posters, wallet cards, and stickers all designed to walk your employees through the reporting process. Although we hope no one is ever injured, we will be there for you if they are!
A $70.00 dispatch fee will be charged for drug screen only requests, post offer pre employment exams & a la carte orders provided at customer locations for all requests with less than five employees. A $70 cancellation fee will be charged for any scheduled service that is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice. No call, no shows are billed at the full price of the schedule service. On Site Medical requires request for service to be scheduled 10 days prior to date of services to guarantee availability. On Site Medical will require access to a bathroom to administer drug tests. On Site Medical will require access to a private, quiet space for conducting all screening services. On Site Medical reserves the right to change their pricing in the future at its sole discretion. CPR & First Aid training have a minimum billing of 4 people per scheduled class. By signing up for service I agree to enroll in On Site Medical’s digital newsletter and authorize On Site Medical to send text messages and make phone calls to the numbers listed in my enrollment form.